
Category: English

Dans la Presse/In der Presse/In the Press

L’Europe des géopolymères et de ses applications techniques et archéologiques, est en marche. Trois articles importants (plusieurs pages chacun) sont parus pratiquement en même temps, en Belgique, France, Allemagne et République Tchèque.

en français :
Novembre 2005: le magazine l’ÉGYPTE présente un dossier intitulé: Les preuves scientifiques du moulage des blocs de la Grande Pyramide, avec des interviews de mon collègue et ami le Prof. Guy Demortier et de moi-même.

in deutscher Sprache (en allemand) :
Januar 2006, #1/2006: Magazin ZEITGEIST
Interview: Pyramiden doch aus Naturbeton erbaut ? Weltmeister Geopolymer. Naturbeton aus dem Altertum als neuzeitliche Alternative im Umweltschutz- und …
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Conferences Nov. – Dec. 2005

3 novembre, Paris

Conférence sur la construction des pyramides en pierre agglomérée, au siège social de la société l’OREAL, Clichy, à 12:30 (complet). Dédicace du livre Ils ont bâti les pyramides

26 novembre, Paris

Journée avec l’Association Française des Enfants à Haut Potentiel. L’Égypte, la fabrication des pyramides en pierre agglomérée, les enseignements applicables au développement durable, stockage des déchets radioactifs et nucléaires. Discussion autour des livres sur les pyramides d’Égypte

27 novembre, Paris

Salon des écrivains, B’nai B’rith, 14 h à 19h, Salle des Fêtes de la Mairie du XVIème arrondissement, 71, avenue Henri Martin.
Dédicace de mon dernier …
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The scientist and the sacred texts

2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications, December 7-10, 2003, Doha, Qatar.

Today is Monday December 8, 2003, 9 am, at the University of Doha, Qatar, a wealthy small country located at the North-East of Saudi Arabia, on the Persian Gulf. I am attending the 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and its Applications. More than 350 scientists from the Arab countries attend this congress. They come from the Persian Gulf (Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain), Iran, Iraq (although the country is in war), Saudi-Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. The conference language is English. I am …
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How not to date a pyramid stone !

On July 15, 2005, I received the following e-mail from Holland:

Dear dr. Davidovits, I am a journalist of the Dutch leading newspaper de Volkskrant and I am doing an article on the building of the Cheops pyramid. Dr. Menno Blaauw of the Technische Universiteit Delft says he analyzed a piece of stone from Cheops and concluded that it is natural limestone, not a piece of concrete. His main argument is that the inside of the stone has not seen daylight for at least 400 thousand years. Since you are the designer of the concrete-theory, I would appreciate a comment

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Milestones in geopolymers

Milestones in the Development of
Geopolymeric Chemistry

Excerpt from the Chemical Abstract Data Bank

1972: first patent on polycondensation of kaolinite with NaOH
TI : Sintered composite panels
AU : Davidovits J
AF : Coordination et Developpement de l’lnnovation S.A.
SO : FR72138746 721102 ; US Patent 3,950,470; US 4,028,454
KW : building panel manuf; kaolin building panel; sand building panel; resin building panel

1975: first patent on hydrosodalite Na-PS shaped articles
TI : Agglomerating compressible mineral materials in the form of powder, particles, or fibers
AU : Davidovits J
AF : Coordination et Developpement de l’lnnovation S. A.; Cordi …
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Extended biography

He is the author and co-author of approx. 130 publications including 50 patents issued and granted related to research dedicated to applied solid-state chemistry, geopolymeric materials.

1958: Diplome d’Ingénieur-Chimiste, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Rennes, France

1960: Dr. rer. nat in macromolecular chemistry, University of Mainz, Germany.

From 1962 to 1972: 10 years dedicated to research and developments dealing with organic polymers, which resulted in 19 publications involving the chemistry of poly-urethane, textile synthetic fibers, biological membranes and collagen.

1964 Annual Award from the French Textile Chemical Society for works performed on linear organic polymers

In 1972, in the aftermath …
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